Skills for ESOP Ownership

Safety Game Gets Employees Thinking at BSC Ventures’ Annual Meeting

2021-12-03T17:04:21+00:00December 3, 2021|Articles, Featured, Skills for ESOP Ownership, Skills for ESOP ownership|

Do employees at your company roll the dice on safety sometimes? We all probably do, often without even thinking about it. Facing that challenge, BSC Ventures, a custom envelope manufacturer, had a new request for their ESOP annual meeting: let’s play a game that teaches our employee owners how important workplace safety is for all of us, our company and for driving ESOP stock value. That’s how the Workplace Development’s Safety Game was born! 

Hands-on ESOP Education at Software Solutions and Onex

2024-06-18T19:26:38+00:00August 26, 2021|Articles, Building Business Literacy, Featured, Skills for ESOP Ownership|

Experience is a powerful teacher. You don’t get a driver’s license just by reading about how to drive a car; you must practice driving the car, too! That’s why understanding your ESOP doesn’t end with one-way communication of the plan rules. In Workplace Development’s ESOP Game, employee owners dive into a business simulation where they actually feel what it’s like to make tough business decisions because they make them. They see the impact of their decisions and what influences the stock value in their ESOP accounts over the course of several years.  Software Solutions Inc. and Onex Inc. said the ESOP Game brought ESOP concepts to life for their employees.

Employee Owners Learn How They Grow Stock Value

2024-06-20T16:29:49+00:00August 26, 2021|Articles, Building Business Literacy, Featured, Skills for ESOP Ownership|

Does everyday work really impact company stock value? Absolutely! But sometimes it is hard to see.  That’s why MKSK, a planning, urban design and landscape architecture firm, sought a way to help its employee owners learn how everyday actions contribute to value during their annual meeting in 2021. MKSK became 100% employee-owned in September 2019. Workplace Development’s Power of One Dollar learning activity was the perfect fit to illustrate to new employee owners how everyday actions add up. 

Preserving Human Connections at Equity Engineering Group

2021-04-01T02:10:58+00:00March 31, 2021|Articles, Communicating ESOP Benefits, Featured, Skills for ESOP Ownership|

“It looked like we were going to kick off a year of talking about our company's core beliefs," says Theresa Riley HR Director for Equity Engineering Group. And then, the pandemic hit. Any hope for face-to-face conversations were dashed. “We had a new reality in which employees would have to transition to nearly 100% remote work.”

Sing Your Ownership Song

2020-02-17T19:08:52+00:00February 17, 2020|Blog, Building Business Literacy, Communicating ESOP Benefits, ESOP Committee Development, Skills for ESOP Ownership, Uncategorized|

Avoid a cultural swan song, grab the “ownership microphone” and sing along with these bands to develop your company’s culture, define employees’ roles as owners and drive ESOP stock value. One Direction Do you know where you’re headed in building your ownership culture? In other [...]

Don’t Let Your Lizard Brain Rule Retirement Planning

2021-03-10T21:33:49+00:00November 11, 2019|Articles, Communicating ESOP Benefits, ESOP Committee Development, Featured, Skills for ESOP Ownership|

Did you know our human brains have the same limbic system that dominates a lizard’s brain activity? Luckily, we also have other lobes that provide higher-level functions. The limbic system is the source of impulses like fight, flight, feeding, fear, freezing up, and falling in love. Certainly, it’s good to have these reactions when we need them, but our “lizard brains” aren’t well-suited for activities like retirement planning and understanding fluctuations in ESOP stock value. Click here to read the full article.

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