Succeed by Playing the ESOP Game

2021-03-09T15:54:34+00:00February 17, 2015|Articles, Building Business Literacy, Communicating ESOP Benefits|

Tired of lecture-style presentations about your ESOP? Looking for a hands-on, interactive tool to educate your company’s employees? Workplace Development’s team-based, engaging, fun ESOP game is your answer. The ESOP Game is an interactive, ESOP company business simulation where participants experience the challenges of managing a simulated ESOP company. Click Here to read the entire article.

Refresh Your Annual ESOP Routine with a Splash of Energy

2015-02-17T19:21:25+00:00February 17, 2015|Articles, Communicating ESOP Benefits, ESOP Committee Development|

Is it time to hit the “refresh button” when it comes to distributing your annual ESOP statements? Are you looking for a new way to convey your critically important ownership message? Re-energize the required routine and add a splash of ownership energy to your communications. Click Here to read the entire article.

Traducir el concepto del ESOP

2014-06-05T19:04:04+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

SuiteAmerica utilice el correo electrónico, seminarios por red y material informativo para comunicarse con sus distintas ubicaciones. Visite la página para obtener más información acerca de sus servicios de residencia corporativa y departamentos completamente amoblados. View this page in English Muchas de [...]

Four Steps to Building Better Business People

2014-06-05T15:41:53+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

If dividend checks, 20% increases in stock value, and record sales numbers are exciting business victories that put more money in your wallet, how did they become boring, ho-hum events that most employees could give two shakes about? If you work for a company that [...]

Changing from C to S Corporation Status

2014-06-05T15:40:19+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

This article appeared in the National Center for Employee Ownership (NCEO) Employee Ownership Report, September-October 2004 By Cathy Ivancic, Workplace Development, Inc. Moving from being a C corporation to an S corporation is complicated enough – but then there is the question of whether you [...]

Transform Your Annual Meeting into an Event

2014-06-05T15:38:44+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

It’s time for the annual meeting. Everyone say, ho, hum. Two hours of listless presentations followed by a rubber-chicken dinner. Instead of recharging enthusiasm, informing employees how the company did and answering their questions, people wiggle in their chairs like fourth graders forced to attend [...]

Is Open Book Management Dangerous?

2014-06-05T15:37:38+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

This article is adapted from an article by Jim Bado who appeared as a Guest Columnist for the NCEO newsletter, September 1999. Is it dangerous for you to share financial information, to have employees know the business's performance on a regular basis, and to have [...]

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