Tell Your ESOP Story or Someone Else Will

2014-06-05T00:00:48+00:00June 5, 2014|Articles|

Time magazine’s recent cover story, "The Great Retirement Ripoff," pictured a distraught man watching winged $100 bills fly into an empty, black void. If that striking visual isn’t enough to make you shudder, the piece contained a description of the Polaroid ESOP’s collapse. Its conclusion: [...]

Pour Some Energy Into Your Annual Meeting!

2014-06-04T23:51:47+00:00June 4, 2014|Articles|

Are you looking for a way to make your employee meeting engaging but also educational? Consider the benefits of bringing in an outside speaker from Workplace Development Inc.: Create enthusiasm and business focus Bring outside credibility to your ESOP message Gain more impact from ESOP [...]

Sharing Financial Results

2014-06-04T23:48:49+00:00June 4, 2014|Articles|

See for information on sweeping services and equipment sales. No sweeping it under the rug at Contract Sweepers "The bottom line is the bottom line. The results aren’t my numbers; they are everyone’s," says Gerry Kesselring, President of Ohio's largest contract sweeping [...]

Does Ownership Translate?

2014-06-04T23:46:53+00:00June 4, 2014|Articles|

SuiteAmerica uses email, web-seminars and handouts to communicate to its various locations. See for more information about their fully furnished apartments and corporate housing services. Español Many employee-owned companies translate ESOP legal documents such as the Summary Plan Description (SPD) for their [...]

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