dollarstretcherUncertain news about the economy affects employee motivation. Many ESOP-owned companies are facing:

  • Changes in company stock value
  • Reductions in workforce
  • Modified indicators of success
  • Dramatic changes in 401(k) accounts
  • A different approach to ESOP distributions
  • A need to refocus energy or find efficiencies

One of the strengths of ESOP ownership is that everyone has a reason to develop a long-term perspective on success. But the only way to cultivate this among employees is through effective communication about ownership and company performance.

Perhaps your company is facing new communication challenges. A problem or challenge can also be a tremendous opportunity to engage employees in a deeper understanding of ESOP ownership. Workplace Development’s practical communication services can help your company to build ESOP appreciation and enthusiasm even in a year when stock value is flat or goes down. Below are a few of the services available to ESOP companies.

ESOP Bulletins build long-term appreciation for the ESOP
These one-page handouts explain stock value in common language and lay the groundwork for your understanding your annual ESOP statements. Chose from our list of custom topics and send the right message for your company. Handouts are customized to fit your company’s style and unique message. They are available in Spanish or English.

The Power of One Dollar Presentation: Connect job–level actions with stock value
Bring a presentation to your employees that will “charge people up” about what they can do today to make a difference. This practical presentation illustrates how ESOP ownership is not passive ownership but active in everyday work. We use your unique business story to:

  • Explain how ESOP shares are valued
  • Compare your ESOP with public markets/401(k)
  • Connect people’s daily jobs to stock value
  • Illustrate the power of incremental improvementsPresentations can be delivered by web-seminar, in person, or developed so it can be delivered by your in-house communicators.

Annual statement presentation: Handing out statements can be an event!
If people do not understand their ESOP statement, they won’t be able to recognize the powerful benefits of ESOP ownership. We’ll provide an engaging, memorable presentation that will:

  • Explain how your ESOP works and how to read the statement
  • Illustrate “what’s in it for me?” with ESOP ownership
  • Build enthusiasm for your plan even in years when stock value dips


Workplace Development associates Cathy Ivancic and Jim Bado have helped hundreds of ESOP companies strengthen the impact of their ESOP through communication, education, and organizational development services. For more information about getting ongoing communication coaching and tool for your company, contact Jim Bado at Workplace Development Inc. 419-427-2435 or email him at